40kWp Solar system here at BiB

In 2021 we secured a grant to install a 40kWp solar system. And Tom insured we optimised our roof space with as much solar as possible, if he could have fit more up there we think he would have.

Why did we install this?

We are constantly looking at more ways ways for us to be as eco-friendly as possible here at Bloom-in-Box/BiB. We can run some of our machines solely from solar as all our machines and robots are 100% electric, meaning we keep our sustainabilty, they have also saved on those pesky electricity bills.


Sustainability is a huge part here at Bloom-in-Box/BiB, whether that be for us improving our processes to eleimate waste, recycling and now sustainable power source. It is so important for us to stay in harmony as much as possible with the planet and so we do our bit to play our role

Are you interested in our sustainability here at BiB/Bloom-in-Box?

Take a look at our sustainability page to find our more about us