Washing Line Hanger Hooks Up – Pack of 30

This clothes peg washing line hanger ‘ Hook Ups’ is a must-have for anyone looking to hang their clothes up in a stylish and efficient manner. With its windproof design, you can be sure that your clothes will stay securely in place no matter how windy it gets outside. The pack comes with 30 hook ups, making it ideal for a small to medium-sized laundry load.


Made in the UK

£ 5.00



This clothes peg washing line hanger ‘ Hook Ups’ is a must-have for anyone looking to hang their clothes up in a stylish and efficient manner. With its windproof design, you can be sure that your clothes will stay securely in place no matter how windy it gets outside. The pack comes with 30 hook ups, making it ideal for a small to medium-sized laundry load.


Suitable for clothes, this washing line hook up is perfect for those who want to keep their clothes wrinkle-free and easy to organise. Made from high-quality UV resistant polypropylene, this hook up is built to last and can withstand even the heaviest of clothes. So why wait? Get your hands on this amazing washing line hanger today and experience the ultimate in clothes hanging!



Product Features

Made in the UK


Perfect function: The unique design is suitable for clothesline and hanger, free your clothes from the pegs marks, and your hanger can be firmly on the clothes line in the wind.


Strong and flexible quality: the hook is made of high-quality plastic, very strong and durable, not easy to break and deform, long-term use


Perfect compatibility: suitable for most washing line, clothes line, outdoor rotary washing line , retractable washing line , the best diameter of the line should not exceed 1cm


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We do ship internationally, at checkout your shipping costs will be calculated. The list of countries we ship to can be found on our delivery page. If you have any queries email: sales@bloom-in-box.com. Import duties are not included in shipping costs.

Can I return them ?

You can return all items, at the buyers cost. We recommend using a tracked service like Evri. However they must not have been used, and returned in their orginal condition. If you have used them and wish to return please email: sales@bloom-in-box.com as this is discussed on an indivual basis.

How long is delivery?

Smaller orders are shipped with Royal Mail on a 2-5 day service. Larger orders are shipped with DPD Local on a next day service. To northern Ireland orders are shipped with either Evri or Royal Mail. International delivery can take longer

How long does it take to dispatch my order?

Disaptch is 1-2 days for free delivery on all orders. 1 day dispatch for next day delivery if ordered before 1pm

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